Star Wars announces 'Reign of the Empire' book trilogy
The first book, "The Mask of Fear," arrives on February 25, 2025.
Star Wars readers are, once again, being fed.
Monday morning, Star Wars announced a new trilogy of stories spanning nearly two decades of the timeline. The Reign of the Empire novels will chart the rise of the Rebellion from its earliest days post-Revenge of the Sith through the official formation of the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Civil War.
The exclusive reveal on io9 notes the new books aim to carry the spirit of Andor while not being direct adaptions of the Disney+ series.
Book 1, The Mask of Fear, is by Alexander Freed, the author behind the incredible Alphabet Squadron trilogy.
Books 2 and 3 are written by Rebecca Roanhorse and Fran Wilde, respectively.
The Mask of Fear is due out on February 25, 2025. Star Wars also shared a brief logline to tease what’s coming in the book:
Before the Rebellion, the Empire reigned.
“In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the
first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!”With one speech, and thunderous applause, Chancellor Palpatine brought the era of the Republic crashing down. In its place rose the Galactic Empire. Across the galaxy, people rejoiced and celebrated the end to war—and the promises of tomorrow. But that tomorrow was a lie. Instead the galaxy became twisted by the cruelty and fear of the Emperor’s rule.
During that terrifying first year of tyranny, Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, and Bail Organa face the encroaching darkness. One day, they will be three architects of the Rebel Alliance. But first, each must find purpose and direction in a changing galaxy, while harboring their own secrets, fears, and hopes for a future that may never come, unless they act.
Characters like Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, and Bail Organa will be the key perspectives in these books. There will be other familiar characters appearing, of course, along with a cast of new ones offering differing ideas on how to fight back against the fascistic Empire.
In a statement to io9, Freed said his book is “a chance to write a political thriller and spy drama and sweeping historical epic all at once, as well as spotlight Mon Mothma — a character I’ve been passionate about for ages.” He also noted this trilogy, like Andor, is all about telling “nuanced stories of ‘ordinary’ citizens — people living inside the machinery of the Empire...”
Roanhorse’s book arrives in spring 2026, and Wilde’s is set to release in spring 2027.
On Twitter, Random House Worlds editor Tom Hoeler explained that each book covers a portion of the 20-year period between Revenge of the Sith and the beginning of the Galactic Civil War. He also recommended the authors’ previous works — Freed’s story in From a Certain Point of View: A New Hope, Roanhorse’s Resistance Reborn novel, and Wilde’s story in FACPOV: Return of the Jedi.
Another recommendation from me, and one I’ve yelled about before: Alphabet Squadron. I’ve wanted to reread the trilogy for some time, and now seems like the opportune moment before The Mask of Fear arrives next year.
What was your first reason to this announcement? What (or who) are you most excited to see or hope to see in this new Star Wars book trilogy? Share your thoughts in the comments!
This sounds great! I see Alexander Freed's name and I'm in. Love the Alphabet Squadron series.
Also I really like the setting. I've thought for a while the first 10 years after Return of the Sith is an untapped area for Star Wars story telling. We get a lot of stories of the Rebellion. But there's isn't a lot (that I know of) how the origins of the it.
Make sure you get me a free copy😂 should be good, thanks for the heads up